Saint Ncholas and Santa Claus, Info- and Booking Center Westerkwartier
Visits-Info and Prices:             Dutch version

Hello dear people,

Also this year we like to organise your Sinterklaas or Santa Claus visit, this can be home visits, as well as visiting companies and daycare businesses.
In each of these areas, we have extensive experience!

We are a small group which does this for years now out of love for the Saint-Nicholas feast and customs.
We are absolutely 100% alcohol-free and non-smoking and taking plenty of time for your children. That is why we also do follow TV-series like 'the Sinterklaas journaal' and 'the club of Sinterklaas', so that we can answer any question about this which the children could ask us.

To make the Saint Nicholas/Santa Claus visit a fine experience for the child(ren), we like to useinformations previously supplied by you. After you have booked, we will send you a form with some questions.
The Saint/Santa will then note this information (story about each child, e.g. hobbies, favorite food, best friend, wishlist, favourite food etc) in his Large Book. It remains to the Saint and his Petes or to Santa Claus to judge what they will use and what they do not want to use. A littl bit teasing can be done, but we do not want children get damages emotionally.

We plan enough time for the visits over so that Sinterklaas and Pete or Santa Claus will not be under time pressure like "Ooops, we really must go now go to the next visit".

Prices fo Home visits:

Prices in Euro's inclusief BTW

In the municipality Grootegast:
Time period:   1 Pete Saint Saint and
1 Pete
Santa Claus
15 minutes 12,50 * 17,50* no option 17,50*
30 minuten 20,00 25,00 40,00 25,00
45 minuten 30,00 35,00 60,00 35,00
60 minuten 40,00 45,00 80,00 45,00
This all is inclusive sufficient throwgoodies no option
Extra Pete pro 30 minutes € 20,00 no option
*Visits of a quart Hour wo do only in the municipality Grootegast
Outside the municipality Grootegast it would cost us more time traveling as the actual visit would cost. Therefore we would then have to count to high travel costs.
Santa Claus with **
Sleih / Northpole or Christmas Setup
Prices by mutual agreement
** Hiring Santa with extra attributes is only fitting with longer visits.
Prices do depend then from the time-lenght of the visit and from which attributes are needed.
The antique Sleigh is only intended for decoration or photo session (children with Santa in Sleigh) in a Christmas corner.
Or e.g. for in a Christmas Parade (on a trailer behind a car/tractor)
He is not on wheels and also we have no driverslicence for horse and carriage, so driving around with children in the sleigh is not alowed and cannot be done.

For visits in the adjacent municipalities (f.e. Leek, Marum, Zuidhorn, Surhuisterveen, Buitenpost) there will be 2.50 euros added pro Saint/Santa and/or Pete (travel expenses and travel time).
For visits outside the adjacent municipalities we calculated travel expenses á € 0.19 per kilometer (distence from postal code area 9866 TL) + € 2,50 per Saint/Santa and/or Pete pro 10 kilometers (reimbursement travel time).

It is true that first quarter does cost more then following quarters, but that's because the dress-up and make-up costs are the same as for a longer time. So for a visite of 1 quarter we calculated this one time and for a visite of 2 (or more) quarters we still calculated this one time. On a visit time of 15 minutes we are at- or even below- the cost of clothing and make-up. (Just look and compare at the links to addresses for clothing rental and/or make-up/face painting).
Cheaper is thus really not possible for such a short visit. Actually we can do this only if we can combine the visit with another visit in the same street or neighborhood. That is also the reason why many booking-addresses plan and calculate at least a half hour for a visit. And it's also the reason that we offer this '1 quarter' option only in the municipality of Grootegast.

For longer visits, f.e. to schools, daycare centres, associations, companies, shopping center or shoppingstreets Arrival/Parade organizations we calculate a cheaper rate for the extra hours.
You can also for a small additional charge rent a nice seat for Saint or Santa, and possibly even a simple sound system.
So please contact us for the options.

General Info:

Housecalls/Home visits:
The name says it all. Visit at somebody's Home. A home visit is aimed at small scale setup, such as a family visit and/or with small children. Other intentions should be discussed in advance with Saint or Santa, so they do not meet nasty surprises. The same applies if you want to book with (or for) multiple neighbors.
Standard timelength is about half an hour. (3 to 8 young children)
That is, as it turns out again and again, the time at home visits how long children really have their attention at Saint and Pete or/Santa Claus, after that they are usually more interested in their own gifts and those of the other children and they want to be able to play free again. The Saint/Santa Claus and our Pete(s) adapt to this. So it can be that they already after 25 minutes indicate that it is time to leave, but it also can be that they stay 35 minutes. Of course, the Saint/Santa Claus give also attention to the adult and/or older kids, it is after all a feast for young and old, but his visit is mainly aimed at the young children.

With very small children or with only one or two children, there is a 15-minute visit more than enough and then is only Saint/Santa Claus or only one Pete also more than enough. This fits better with the experience of the children and the tension that they can handle. An additional advantage for you, it's cheaper.

With a house visit to a group of mixed age (children and adults), e.g. family visit, were also larger children or adults come to Saint/Santa or getting something from him in person, Saint/Santa and Pete do guard that the attention to the big ones is not at the expense of the little ones. The Saint and Peter will not let themselves be used as Boogieman or Ogre! They also have never taken a child to Spain. Fooling an older person in a funny way, is something Saint/Santa and the Petes always do with great pleasure.
The length of visiting-time depends on the size of the group. Often, a half hour to an hour is long enough. Consultate this with us. Is there in your opinion really more time needed than such a visit is seen by us as a groups visit (And calculated that way).

A visit to more as about 10 children (not counting adults thus!) we actually see as a group visit, for example similar to a youth club visit. Logically, we use the corresponding rate, in principle. If you believe that your situation is an exception anyway (homely atmospheer), then this can be discussed, maybe you get right, mauby we might get right. If this dicussed really stucks (seems impossible to us), no problem, then we still have the page with the links.

Visits to Groups: (f.e. Babysitting/Child Services, Daycare, Kindergarten, school, hospital, company visit for children of employees etc)
The length of time depends on how large the Group(s) is/are and also on how many groups there are.
E.g. On a school visit with 8 groups and a total time from 09.00 h to 12.00 h, then we usually reserve about half an hour (28 min.) pro group for groups 1 to 4 and about 20 minutes pro group for the groups 5 - 8.
When visiting f.e. the children's ward of a hospital, you have to work with other times.
This can thus be discussed during a pre-oriontation visit.
Also, when visiting groups is it possible that the Saint there does work with your own HelpPetes. Contact us to see what is possible.
For the Saint's visits to Babysitting/Child Services locations or Creches/Daycare or to children's departments of hospitals, we are the specialists. We don't shout loud, we do not fling with the throwing goodies. In addition, next to Sinterklaas songs we sing also the real toddler and nursery songs if necessary. Also, we have other convenient ways to make the little ones less frightened and more familiar with the wonderful Saint Nicholas feast.

Arrivals/Parades or visits to open activities (like a skil-games-circuit during/around a Arrival/Parade):
We are too small a group to organise and/or offer you such activities in a complete setting. Of course can the Saint (and his Pets) be hire by your organization to participate by such an event and to work together with your help-Petes team. Of course does the Saint remain himself, but will he also blend-in 'broadly plotted' with the design and implementation by the Organization of the activity. In which the Saint (and his Petes) then neatly coöperate with your organisation and the other help-Petes.
Also you can hire us (based on reimbursement of expenses, and if we still have time) to contribute as an Advisor to the organisation of such activities.
Neem contact met ons op om te zien wat er allemaal mogelijk is

About visiting companies, schools, associations and nurseries etc, We will have a meeting on location in advance, to hear what your wishes/plans are and to see what the possibilities are andto make a defintive frame/storybook for the visit, also is it the possibility to learn eachother a little bith, which makes the coöperation during the visit lots easier.

Throwing the goodies and the throwgoodies:
In principle are the above described visits inclusive the throw-goodies.
That could be real throwing (larger children) (Mind you we do not fling!), or the Petes handing out a handful the each child there where throwing is no permited, or by handing out a smal bag with candy to very small children. May your child(ren) not have sweets? Talk with us to see what else is possible.

Visiting adults (f.e. Firma or students assosation):
This can be from very traditional to something more playful, but to give just a example, we certainly deliver no stripping Saint or stripping Petes etc.
Our intention here is thus a nice visit based on the Sinterklaas traditions with a Saint and/or Pete that like a standup comedian does react on all kinds of comments and situations react without it degenerated into coarse humour, throw and drop work, damaging persons, their belongings or their images etc. As during the visit shows that the host and/or the public does not act (or want ot act) according this intent, the Saint (and Petes) have the right to end the Visit immediately. There is no right to a refund then.


For charities we standard work on costs base. That means would you else have to hire a (simple) costume (or costumes) and have 'actors' yourself, with us you pay (almost) the same costume-rate and then get the real costume(s) with the real Sint or Pete(s) in them. We do not rent out our costumes without our Saint/Santa and/or Petes.
On some special occassions we do even a free of charge visit for Charities, which charity, why and/or when is totaly for us to decide.

Promotional purposes (e.g. advertising/photos)

It is possible to hire the Saint and/or Petes and Santa Claus for your advertising movies or for photo sessions (for example children on photo with Saint or Santa), or to take pictures for ads, Sinterklaas book covers or illustrations, Christmas book covers or illustrations etc..
Santa can also be hired to walk around on your Christmas market (handing out candy, coloring sheets or flyers, etc.) or to be present in and/or around a Christmas/Northpole set-up for listing to the children their wishes or for taking pictures.

Take a also look on the Bookings-page for the extra points of attention around a (Home) Visit by Sinterklaas/Santa Claus and/or Pete(s).

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Saint Ncholas and Santa Claus, Info- and Booking Center Westerkwartier