homepage Dutch version
We started this Site because we want to keep St. Nicholas (Sinterklaas) and the Dutch Sinterklaasfestival a live and promote it.
At the same time, we do understand dat some people sometimes also do want to be visited by Santa Claus. (For example on a Christmas Fair/Market)
Therefore we do not place Saint Nicholas in compition with Santa Claus, but as the Older Uncle and good friend beside his younger nephew and good friend. And we show (and explain) that they sometimes even work as a team if that is needed for the benefit of a child.
This with the motto "Sint Nicholas comes first"
For those reasons you will find here a lot of info about both of them.
For example the historical and/or mythological backgrounds and the most likely relation between Sinterklaas and Santa Claus.
Also you will find here the explainations for many of the Customs around both of them. So that You will have a good (and for childeren acceptable) answer on possible difficult questions from your childeren/grandchilderen.
Next to that we offer the possibility to book Saint Nicholas (and Pete) and/or Santa Claus for a visite to your home / school / bussiness a.s.o. (This only in the North Region of the Netherlands and Germany, due to time and costs).
They can be Booked directly by us, or by other bookingcenters with good references (We offer a couple of links to find them).
Al in al enough info to make this an interesting site and to do some reading here.
The website Sint-en-Santa.eu is an initiative from private persons. The object with this site is to offer non commercial information about several aspects about the Histories of St Nicholas and Santa Claus and the believes and festivals around them and the customs belonging to those festivals.
So parents and childeren will find it easier to keep the stories alive. And to make it possible to book a Saint or Santa, for families with less money.
Disclaimer about the info:
This website is only ment to give parents and childeren correct informations about Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus. The informations on this site are put together most carefully. But it is possible still that some of our information is; -not complete, not according to present (or newer) info, or could be explained in diverent ways, or even seems to hold uncorrect facts. We take no responcebility for the Juristic correctness of the info we have presented here, nor fot the effects of the here presented info and products, and also not for eventual demage (direct or indirect) which did happendgeleden as a result from using our informations. Using our informations is complete for the risk of the user.
Disclaimer about the links:
On this site are several links to other Saint and Santa related websites. There are soly there to inform our users. We have no influence and co contol on these sites and their contents and therefore we taken no responcability for eventual damage, direct or indirect, which happend by using the info's, products or services on these sites.
To the Start of the page
Site News
21-January-2014: The Countdown (National Saint Nicholas Parade, Saint Nick's Eve (pakjesavond=presents-eve, And Christmas Eve) is extanded, and on the English pages in English ofcourse.
Due to many request, we will make an English version of this site.
26-February-2014: We did change to another guestbook provider, and expect that this one will work without problems.
12-September-2014: The English version of this website is completed.
On all pages you can swap between the Dutch and the English version. The swap wil give you the same page in the other Language.
We hope this is sufficient for the reader who requested for the English version.
And we are looking in for options to offer a Free Letters from Saint or Santa Service on our site insted of Linking to others. But the decision (and/or the results) will be on a later time.